Avghi Constantinides

How Homeopathy Can Help Cancer Patients
Avghi will talk about what homeopathy is, how it works best, and if it can work with other cancer treatments. She will also talk about clinical trials with homeopathy and cancer patients.

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Avghi Constantinides

AVGHI CONSTANTINIDES, D.HOM, HMC, MA, CCH, RS Hom has been named as one of the best homeopaths that California has to offer. She holds a Bachelors of Science in Nutrition, Masters in Homeopathy, Diploma in Homeopathy, Homeopathic Master Clinician, and is certified Bach Flower consultant.  She is a teacher, has been on TV and radio, and has written many articles. Avghi is the Director and Co-founder of the Los Angeles School of Homeopathy,  Director & Founder of Centre for Life, Integrative Healing Center and has been in practice since 1995. Her passion is treating children on the Autism Spectrum and people with cancer.Avghi-Logos


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