Dr. Jorge Moreno, DO

Integrative and Osteopathic Medicine
How do we support the body? Does it need to detox? Does it need nutritional support? Osteopathy is hands-on medicine, which means listening to the body and what it wants to do. Everyone is unique in their own healing journey, and so osteopathy takes a look at how to support the body’s natural ability to heal using natural resources, such as IVs, supplements, mesotherapy, and energy work – light and laser therapies.

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DR. JORGE MORENO, DO is a husband to a lovely wife and a father of seven healthy, beautiful children (all from the same joyful mom). He has been practicing Integrative Medicine for over 15 years and initially began his practice as a traditional hands-on–Osteopath. Over the years he has incorporated Biodynamic Osteopathy, Bio-therapeutic drainage, nutrition, homotoxicology, aromatherapy, mud therapy, mesotherapy, biopuncture, energetic medicine and a solid assortment of integrative modalities. He has worked with dentists over the last decade to enhance orthodontic/TMJ/dental appliances. He has studied extensively and has mentored closely with William Lee Cowden, MD the developer of the Laser Energetic Detoxification, a method used to reduce toxic burdens safely, effectively and rapidly. Dr. Moreno is passionate about Integrative Medicine and continues to experience great fulfillment in his service.

Dr. Jorge Moreno’s clinic, Optimal Wellness, is located in Montebello, California (Los Angeles area).
Tel.: (323) 726-6289


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