Susan Moss

Keep Your Breasts
Susan shares her healing story and how healing the emotions, visualizing, eating right, and exercising can help our bodies heal in miraculous ways.

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SUSAN MOSS healed herself of Breast and Uterine Cancer 22 years ago on the all-natural MOTEP Program (Marathon Olympic Tumor Eradication and Prevention Program), which she developed. Through this regime she accomplished a “self-lumpectomy” (dissolving the tumor naturally) and healed herself using only inexpensive and non-toxic therapies. After observing her body’s healing and watching her young friend get destroyed by medical treatment, she wrote the book, Keep Your Breasts! This book is now in its sixth printing and three languages. Her follow-up book, Survive Cancer! relates how others used the MOTEP program for many types of cancer or figured out their own natural program, some after medical treatment failure.

Moss has been around the world and across the country lecturing and helping others. Her second cancer book was presented in Glasgow, Scotland and filmed by the BBC. Today, Moss is healthy and pursuing her mission to promote the natural healing and prevention of cancer.


  1. Esther Wright

    Is Susan available for consultations? Does she live in the USA??

    • carlos

      Hello Esther!I sent your information to Susan.

      “Thank you Carlos,
      i e-mailed her that I would do a consultation,
      Happy Easter!
      Susan Moss”



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